Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bowel Cancer SymptomsIn medical terminology

Bowel Cancer is also referred to cancer of the colon or the rectum. Its initial symptoms are very unassuming and routine, like diarrhea and constipation to abdominal pain. However, it is the persistence of these symptoms which give the first indication of a more serious problem. This form of cancer usually affects the lining of the large intestine and then spreads to affect the whole of the large bowel. Normally, it does not affect the small bowel so commonly.

The symptoms to watch out for are:

* Rectal Bleeding - This is one of the initial signs. You will observe blood in the feces either actual blood or tar like appearance.

* Abdominal Pain and Feeling of Fullness - Any abdominal pain which refuses to go away with normal and routine medication requires scanning for colon cancer. You will want to visit the toilet but the body will not pass any stools. In case the cancer tumor is located lower in the rectum, there will be pain during bowel movement too.

* Sudden Change in Bowel Habit - The stools will be thinner than the normal and the frequency will be more. You may also notice decomposed blood in the stool.

* Fatigue and Weakness - This is due to gradual but continuous blood loss during bowel movement. In such cases an Anaemic condition indicates an internal malfunctioning.

* Diarrhea - Normal diarrhea due to a stomach infection goes away with routine medication. In the case of colon cancer, this condition continues inspite of the medication. If this happens it needs further investigation.

* Sudden Weight Loss - All cancers show similar conditions of weight loss due to the cancer cells burning more calories than normal healthy cells.In addition to the above associated symptoms may be constipation and vomiting for prolonged periods. Incase this cancer is diagnosed early, there are good chances of recovery. Better still is taking all possible precautions like restricting consumption of red meat, increasing the dosage of greens as part of the food intake, getting on with a regular exercise regimen thus controlling one's weight.Finally, being aware of the symptoms will at least increase the chances of early detection and remedial treatment.Emily McLauglin administers For more information on bowel cancer symptoms, visit Source:

Skin Cancer

MolesIt is normal to have moles on your body as practically everyone has dozens of moles on their body. Most of these moles are non-malignant, and are of no danger. However there is a chance for some of these moles to become cancerous and these moles are called skin cancer moles.It is the moles that have been around for a long time, or which suddenly appear that are called skin cancer moles. Existing moles that suddenly change specific characteristics may become skin cancer moles.Basically, skin cancer manifests itself as an abnormal accumulation of cells that resembles a sore or pimple that does not heal. These sores may bleed or ooze fluid, crust or scab over and may also ooze and bleed again. While cancer may occur anywhere on the skin, it is most common on areas exposed to the sun.Skin cancer and skin moles are not painful but may manifest itself as sores that do not heal. This is why cancer sometimes goes unnoticed. The moment you find some difference in the ABCD of any mole on your body, or if you develop new moles on your body, it is better to consult your doctor about it as soon as possible.

You can find out if moles are cancerous by following the ABCD rule:

1. Asymmetry is when half of the growth acquires a different shape from the other. You have to look at both halves of the mole, as if it had an imaginary line in its middle. If you find the mole is not equal, you have to have it examined.

2. Borders that are irregular because of scalloped or uneven edges are signs of skin cancer moles. Even moles that bleed, itch or are painful indicate cancer.

3. Colors where the mole changes color with its growth or where there is lack of uniformity in color are signs of skin cancer. Melanomas acquire different colors like black, brown and tan shades and may have red, white and blue specks.

4. Diameter of a mole that is larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser depicts cancerous moles and should be tested for skin cancer. So keep checking moles for an increase in its diameter.It is important that you regularly examine your skin for new moles and for changes in existing moles. Stand infront of a mirror, and examine moles on both the front and back of your body, including under your arms.Remember that melanoma or cancer moles are a dangerous and invasive form of skin cancer that can appear anywhere on the body, including under fingernails. The risks of melanoma are increased if you have a mole from birth. Ask your doctor for the best mole removal method for you.Darlene L Johnson attends the University of Seattle pursuing a degree in alternative medicine. She is an entrepreneur working as a freelance writer for alternative skin care product lines, specializing in mole removal.Article Source:

Life With Lung Cancer

Surviving lung cancer means more than just beating the physical disease. There are also emotional and mental challenges that come with dealing with cancer. Learning to live with the disease and the required treatments and medical visits that arise because of it is crucial to survival.The treatments for cancer can be harsh on the body. Surgery may remove a tumor, but it may also remove parts of or entire organs in the process. After surviving the cancer procedure itself, patients must then learn to survive the new condition they find their bodies in. It is possible that the body will function differently due to the surgery. Procedures like chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also have lasting effects on a patient's general health.

In addition to these physical challenges, many patients also experience emotional trials as a result of being diagnosed with lung cancer and undergoing therapy to treat it. Some fear that the cancer will return after it has been treated. Others find it difficult to cope with the lasting effects of the cancer and the way it interrupts their daily life. They could also experience a sense of isolation if they perceive that their loved ones don't or can't understand their feelings.

Negative feelings arising because of cancer are not unusual. The tribulation of surviving the disease - hearing the diagnosis, undergoing therapy, coping with side effects - commonly causes uncertainty and negativity. Those struggling to survive with lung cancer may feel depressed or anxious because of the disease. It is also not unusual for patients to experience anger and fear due to their illness.Coping with these emotions is part of the challenge of surviving lung cancer. The first step to doing that is simply to admit that those emotions are there and to try to discern why. Additionally, it is important to realize that these reactions are natural and normal, and may even be helpful.

Anger can result from a diagnosis of lung cancer. Feeling angry about being the one struck with the disease, the one who has to endure the stress and worry of treatment, is normal. Some find that this anger is actually a motivating force as they learn to survive with lung cancer. It can help patients to become assertive about what they want and need from treatment. In patients who do not find their anger motivating and helpful, it is possible to include counseling as part of their new routine for surviving the cancer.

In contrast to anger, other patients could feel depressed as they attempt to survive with lung cancer. Some patients no longer feel like their usual selves and lose interest in the things that had been their favorite activities before their diagnosis. Depression can be destructive. A patient who has survived lung cancer but is now depressed may need support from loved ones in order to cope with their new reality.

Despite any of these feelings, patients surviving with lung cancer should take pro-active steps to managing their disease and going on with their lives. Eating a healthy diet it one way to do this, as a balanced diet not only promotes general good healthy, but can also help patients feel like they are in control of some aspect of their lives still. Exercise also promotes good health and can reduce the risk of the lung cancer returning or spreading.Adam Bradley is a book publisher of How-To and information books. While doing research on surviving lung cancer, he was shocked by the tremendous amount of bad information, scams, and bogus agencies. He felt that having to spend countless hours sorting articles and web pages just to find help during a period when time is of the essence was absurd. To help the victims and families of those exposed to asbestos, he and his research team compiled this information and offer a free 15 part Mini-Course at: Asbestos Cancer Source:

Cancer Prevention Foods

Many medical experts in the field of traditional cancer treating as well as many who are considered to be experts in the non-traditional fields of cancer treating believe that adhering to a certain dietary life style will help in the battle to prevent cancer. That isn't to say that if you eat some particular food regularly that you will be less apt to get cancer but rather that being on a balanced diet which consists of certain food will serve as a good preventative.Beans, lentils and peas contain saponis, which in many cases will stop the reproduction of cancer cells protease inhibitors, which often have been proven to stop the division of cancer cells and phytic acid, which many medical professionals feel tests have shown has often been known to slow down the production of tumors.

Berries and known to be an excellent source of vitamin C which many medical professionals believe that their studies have shown to be a major combatant against cancer.

Spinach, kale romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, chicory and Swiss chard contain carotenoids which fight against cancer by ridding the body of certain components before they can form an attack against the body. Many medical professionals feel that their studies tend to show that these carotenoids are especially effective in fighting against breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer.

Other vegetables which have proven to be effective against cancer are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale. These are believed to have proven to be especially effective in putting up a good defensive against cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and stomach.

Garlic is believed by many medical professionals to be effective in slowing and sometimes even stopping cancers of the prostate, bladder, colon and stomach.

Grapes, green tea, soy foods, these also are foods considered to be strong preventatives and combatants against cancer.In spite of the fact that many medical professionals, both traditional and non-traditional, support the idea that these foods do indeed battle cancer it is important that one not decide to wage battle against cancer, either as a preventative or a cure on one's own using simply a diet plan as a combative. Talk to your doctor, set up a battle plan, possibly one which consists of traditional cancer treatments and dietary ones as well. Your doctor has studied this, talk to him/her and get their advice. Then make your decisions wisely.For more information about Cancer Prevention Foods visit our site Source:
    Brijesh Ghelani - EzineArticles Expert Author

Uterine Cancer Symptoms

Endometrial Cancer or Uterine Cancer is caused by cancer cell growth directly on the lining of the uterus. Most women mistake the vaginal bleeding to be caused by menopause. This misconception is quite common.

We are going to see some symptoms that may or may not indicate uterine cancer. They may be caused due to other maladies too. To confirm whether any of these symptoms actually leads to uterine cancer, you should go to a doctor to confirm.

Some of the symptoms that have been observed in uterine cancer patients:

* Pain in the pelvic region.
* Pain while urinating.
* Bleeding from the vaginal region.
* Difficulty while urinating.
* Discharge from the vagina.
* Painful sensation while indulging in sexual intercourse.

Studies have shown that bleeding from the vagina is the most common type of symptoms that have been observed. Initially, there might not be bleeding, rather a discharge. This will turn to bleeding later.

Types who are most prone to uterine cancer:

* Women aged 50 years or more.
* Endometrial hyperplasia.
* Women who have an increase in their hormones. These may be women who have fewer children, who have had ovarian tumors or undergone therapy for estrogen replacement.

The treatment is not the same for every woman. Many factors have to be taken into consideration. Factors like age, advance of the cancer etc. have to be kept in mind.

Treatment is either one or a combination of these - surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

In the initial stages, if the spread of the cancer is not that advanced, doctors will try to completely remove the cancerous cells from the woman's uterus. If the disease has progressed, generally there is some surgery along with chemo or radiotherapy. This helps to stop the growth of cancerous cells in other parts of the body.

The good part about uterine cancer is that if it is detected early, then there is a very good chance of curing it completely. Patients are also advised to take part in trials which can sometimes give very good results.

Alternative treatments also exist for uterine cancer:

* Following special types of diets.
* Acupuncture.
* Meditating also helps.
* Taking sufficient quantity of vitamins.
* Visualization and Spiritual healing.There are many recorded cases where women have felt that alternative treatments have helped them immensely. What is not recommended is to mix and match. It is always better to stick to a single plan of action - go the traditional way or the alternative, but not both.Emily McLauglin administers For more information on uterine cancer symptoms, visit Source:

5 Ovary Cancer Symptoms

Cancer, one of the medical issues that none of us want to think about. There are so many different kinds of cancer and each one can affect everyone in slightly different way. One particular cancer, ovarian cancer, is definitely a more severe type. The Ovary Cancer Symptoms should be known by every woman in order to stay as healthy as possible.

Ovarian cancer, or the silent killer, unfortunately is not diagnosed until the later stages due to the symptoms are usually overlooked or misdiagnosed. This particular cancer usually occurs in women over 50 but can occur during the younger years. As with any type of cancer, the sooner it is discovered, the sooner the proper treatment can be started and the cancer terminated.

1 - Abdominal swelling/bloating - This is a common symptom for a variety of medical conditions therefore this symptom is easily overlooked. It has been reported of lower abdominal discomfort occurs after eating.

2 - Poor Appetite - Most women today have this "symptom". The woman's daily routine can be so hectic that the right foods are not eaten as it is much easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries or simply there is a loss of appetite which again can result from any number of issues occurring.

3 - Weight Loss - Another symptom that can be a symptom of other issues such as stress or simply by beginning a new exercise program in order to willingly lose unwanted weight.

4 - Constipation - If you are not eating right, therefore not getting enough fiber, you will probably suffer from constipation.

5 - Bleeding - This symptom may be a less common symptom for other medical issues so if you have any of the first four symptoms along with bleeding from the vaginal area, you should consult with your doctor or gynecologist.As it was noted earlier, there really aren't any extremely noticeable ovary cancer symptoms that will indicate to a woman that she needs to have the issue addressed immediately. It is unfortunate that for this particular cancer, it can go unnoticed for an indefinite period of time. You have any concerns, please discuss them with your doctor.For more useful information on ovarian cysts, check out Ovarian Cysts What Are They also, visit Source:
    Paula Carpenter - EzineArticles Expert Author

Advanced Colon Cancer Symptoms

Advanced Colon Cancer Symptoms
Colon cancer is a serious problem and unfortunately affects a great many people. If not detected early, it can cause significant damage and death. So while early detection is key, here are some advanced colon cancer symptoms to be aware of.First of all it is very unfortunate that many people have no idea they have colon cancer until the symptoms are quite advanced. But in earlier stages, some common symptoms may include fatigue, night sweats, anemia, blood in the stool, diarrhea, constipation, lack of bowel movements or pain in the right shoulder.It is particularly important to address the situation where you find blood in the stool. There are many reasons why blood might show up in the stool and they have nothing to do with cancer. However this is something which should not be ignored and it is always a good idea to check it out with your Doctor to be sure.If the disease progresses unchecked, some symptoms of more advanced stages can include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and overall weakness. The patient may also experience bleeding which can add to anemia and weakness and fatigue in general.As said earlier, the symptoms may not arise until the disease is further along. However if you have concerns, then thorough diagnosis is key. The best way to do so is through a procedure called a colonoscopy. The intent is to identify polyps in the colon and catch them before they become cancerous.If treatment is required, it is almost always done through surgery. Following this radiation and chemotherapy are used to hopefully eradicate any remaining signs of cancer and minimize its chances of spreading.To learn more about Advanced Colon Cancer Symptoms just visit our free help site at http://www.colonhealthfacts.comArticle Source:

The Deadliest Cancer

As November gives way to December, the purple ribbons and bracelets signifying that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month will soon be put away for next year. However, for nearly 37,000 men and women in the United States, there won't be a next November.Although pancreatic cancer is only ranked as the 4th leading cancer cause of death, the 5 year survival rates reveal a more tragic picture of this disease. To better understand this, it should be compared to the top three cancer killers in the United States.Lung cancer, ranked number one, causes approximately 160,000 deaths a year with a 5 year survival rate of 14 percent. The second type of cancer to claim the most victims is colon cancer with 53,500 deaths a year. Five year survival rates for these patients fare much better than lung cancer patients with an estimated 65 percent. At number three, the more frequently occurring breast cancer has a mortality figure of approximately 40,000 deaths a year, but sees a 5 year survival rate of 89 percent.Even with lung cancer's seemingly low number of 14 percent, there is one thing lung, colon and breast cancer patients have more than pancreatic cancer patients.


The tragic outcome for pancreatic patients is revealed with the statistics that show the 5 year survival rate is only 5 percent.

That's it. Five percent.

Adding to this tragedy is the fact that 75 percent of all pancreatic cancer patients die within 1 year of being diagnosed. Pancreatic cancer stands alone with the distinction of the highest mortality rate of all the major cancers. According to, the average life expectancy after the cancer metastasizes is just three to six months. Unlike many other forms of cancer, the survival rate for pancreatic cancer has not improved much over the last 40 years.Despite these odds, pancreatic cancer patients are known for their courage and willingness to fight back. The best example of this was epitomized with subtle bravery by Randy Pausch in his book, The Last Lecture. Pausch, a 46 year-old computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2006. Despite this diagnosis, Pausch fought back with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. In spite of his efforts, the cancer returned in August of 2007. A month later, on September 17, Pausch gave his last lecture entitled: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. A video posted on YouTube shows an audience of more than 400 students and faculty giving him a standing ovation.

That video gave Pausch some notoriety and led to a book deal for The Last Lecture. Taking material from his Sept. 17 lecture, and expanding on it further, Pausch writes for his children and others with lessons that he wants to impart that stress the importance of having fun in everything one does, and living life to the fullest. The book became a New York Time's Best Seller soon after it was published in 2008. Randy Pausch died on July 25th, 2008.

Despite it's reputation as The Deadliest Cancer, there is hope on the horizon for pancreatic cancer, after all, the only place it can go is up. The horizon is revealed under the Sunlight of new research and new medicines in development.

A study published on October 27, 2010 in the scientific journal Nature showed for the first time that pancreatic tumors develop much more slowly and less aggressively than previously thought. This is important due to the fact that pancreatic cancer symptoms are asymptomatic, or undetectable, in the early stages. Often, it is only when it has developed in the late stages or metastasized, that a pancreatic cancer diagnosis can be made. This finding places more importance and hope on developing earlier detection methods as the key to survival. Among the new drugs being developed is a pancreatic cancer vaccine being developed at John Hopkins University. The vaccine apparently stopped a pancreatic tumor growing in one patient, but researchers are stressing that a new clinic trial is only in the early stages.Jason L Morrow is the founder and editor of where you can learn more about the symptoms of pancreatic cancer.Article Source:
    Jason L Morrow - EzineArticles Expert Author

Immunotherapy and Cancer

When chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are harsh treatments that can only kill the cancer by hurting the body, then a new type of treatment option that enhances the body's own immune system to fight off cancer would not only seem too good to be true, but almost logical in the simplicity of the concept.Although it's easier said than done, it's a concept that is being put into practice and finding some admirable success. Immunotherapy is a new treatment method which uses natural substances to encourage the body's own immune system to fight off disease, or laboratory made immune system components to fight off unwanted disease. It is primarily used for cancer patients, but also benefits patients with allergies, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases. But it is within the cancer world that immunotherapy is finding the most success and hope.

According to the American Cancer Society, immunotherapy is still a small field which hasn't yet proven itself to be better than other types of cancer treatments. However, it's one that researchers say holds a lot of promise and "many future advances against cancer will probably come from this field."

Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy and biotherapy, is similar to cancer vaccines which is just another form of immunotherapy. Cancer vaccines can be either therapeutic (given after a cancer is diagnosed) or prophylactic (given before a cancer can develop). Extensive research is currently being done on all types of vaccines. Initial success showing the potential of cancer vaccines is seen in Gardasil, a vaccine which can prevent cervical cancer caused by certain types of human papillomavirus infection (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. However, Gardasil is not a true cancer vaccine since it only targets a virus that can cause cervical cancer.

Immunotherapy is also similar to targeted drug therapy which seeks out those specific elements that signal cancer cells to grow. Targeted therapy drugs aim to halt specifically targeted molecules from signaling to cancer cells to begin growing and dividing uncontrollably. Some targeted therapy drugs overlap as immunotherapy drugs.

When cancer develops, malignant cancer cells grow and divide uncontrollably until a tumor forms. This process happens, in part, because the body's immune system fails to recognize the cancer cells as a foreign element which it would want to attack and destroy. Immunotherapy seeks to enhance the body's own ability to identify and destroy cancer cells, and prevent their spreading throughout the body. This identification of cancer cells as foreign is enhanced in immunotherapy delivery agents to recognize those antigens or molecules that are not normal to an organ's cells, and occur only in cancer cells. Therefore, when these cancer cells give off certain molecules, it signals to the immune system that it is foreign, and must be destroyed.Immunotherapy is a complicated field involving different agents that are not called drugs or medication, but labeled as biological immune response modulators (BIRMs) or immunomodulators. These BIRMs include interferons, interleukins, colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, cancer vaccines, gene therapy, and nonspecific immunomodulating agents. Since white blood cells are an important part of the body's immune system, many of these BIRMs are geared towards white blood cells in which there are many different types. BIRMs are also aimed at helping what are called antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which operate on the buddy system with white blood cells. APCs are the cells that tell white blood cells: "Hey, this unwanted cell I am attached to is foreign. If you see any more like it, destroy them."

There are two main types of immunotherapy agents, active and passive. Active BIRMs aim to stimulate elements of your body's own immune system to fight off the disease. Passive BIRMs are man-made immune system components which are administered with the goal of fighting off the disease without the body's immune system to help it.

BIRMs can also be classified on whether they target one specific type of antibody (unwanted cell it's seeking to prevent from aiding in the cancer process), called specific immunotherapy. Or, whether the BRM aids the entire immune system, called non-specific immunotherapy.

Currently, FDA approved immunotherapy is a part of the treatment process for many different types of cancer which include:

    * Breast Cancer
    * Cervical Cancer
    * Colorectal Cancer
    * Kidney Cancer
    * Leukemia
    * Lymphoma
    * Lung Cancer
    * Melanoma (skin cancer)
    * Ovarian Cancer and
    * Prostate CancerBiological Immune Response Modulators, cancer vaccines, and other forms of immunotherapy are being tested on other types of cancer, as well as improved immunotherapy agents on the cancer types mentioned above. These studies are moving through the clinical trial process with cautioned hope by cancer patients and doctors.
Jason L Morrow is the founder and editor of where you can learn more about leukemia symptoms.Article Source:
    Jason L Morrow - EzineArticles Expert Author

Brain Cancer Radiation Therapy

Brain cancer radiation therapy is the process in which a particular form of energy is used to destroy cancerous cells in the body. This treatment is also used to reduce the size of the tumors that are present within the body. This is made possible by the fact that the genetic information on the abnormal cells is eliminated.Once this occurs, the cells are no longer able to go through their traditional characteristics of dividing and spreading through the body. The ultimate goal associated with this type of brain cancer treatment is to successfully eliminate the largest number of abnormal cells as possible while not damaging the cells that surround the abnormal ones that are considered to be healthy. Here, you will learn more information pertaining to brain cancer radiation therapy.

External Therapy

Individuals that require brain cancer radiation therapy may opt for the external therapy treatment. This type of radiation therapy is made possible by a machine in the external environment of the patient. The technologically advanced machine will emit a large amount of radiation towards the area that the cancer is present.

Those that choose this type of treatment may have it performed on an outpatient basis. While used in other types of cancer such as those that affect the bladder, the prostate and similar areas, this form of treatment has proven to be highly successful for those suffering from the uncomfortable symptoms associated with brain tumors. There are two subtypes of radiation treatment that is considered to be external. They are "Intraoperative Radiation Therapy" and "Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation".

Internal Therapy

Internal therapy is another type of brain cancer radiation therapy that many doctors and patients agree is highly beneficial in killing cancerous cells and reducing the sizes of tumors within the body. Instead of using a machine that emits radiation, the radiation is typically contained within a container that is often identified as an implant.Individuals that engage in this type of treatment are typically admitted to the hospital. This is because of the fact that the implant must be placed within the body so that the medication may start to work against the cancerous cells. Internal therapy is identified by the way that the medication implant is placed in the body. There are two subtypes. The first is called "Interstitial Radiation". The second type of internal based radiation is identified as "Intracavitary Radiation".


Brain cancer radiation therapy has been successful in nine of ten cases. While there are some side effects and symptoms that may be potentially dangerous, this is rare as medical doctors watch the individual undergoing therapy very closely. This means that if any complications come up, they may be dealt with quickly. If you have brain cancer, it is important to ensure that you discuss all of your treatment options with a doctor prior to initiating brain cancer radiation therapy.About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: Source:

Surviving Cancer Treatment

Yes, you CAN survive cancer treatment! Don't fear the dreaded diagnosis..."cancer." Here are some tips to getting through the treatment of cancer, from a 20 year survivor of Hodgkins Disease.

1. Only think about things that are true, (what is really real.) Many cancer patients worry about the "unknown." There is no way to know the future. Guessing only makes things worse. Think only on things that are true. No what ifs! If a "what if" thought comes into your head, replace it with something that is true.

2. Focus on TODAY. Spend your energy on getting through today. You can deal with tomorrow when tomorrow gets here. Live day by day, and enjoy the good days. Even if it is a bad day, thank God you are still breathing! Find something to be thankful for! Every day!

3. Remind yourself daily that each day is only temporary. If today is tough, it will be over. You will be surprised at how fast your treatment will go.

4. Tell yourself that you CAN do today, every single day!

5. Say NO. You now have a license to say no to all the busy things in life that crowd in on you. No one will think any less of you if you pull back. For those of us who are people pleaser's, this is a gift! Think of your illness as a vacation from obligations and pressures to be a super hero. You can be a super hero from the couch. Your body is fighting for it's life!

5. Say YES! When someone offers to help, take it! For some folks, this is one of the hardest parts of coping with a major illness. Most of us, whether we admit it or not, like to have control. Letting go of your control is a hard lesson. Make a list of a few things that you can continue to maintain control of. Then make a list of things that you can let other people do. This is a must. Letting others into your life will show strength rather than weakness. We are sometimes afraid to seem weak to others. This is a time to let others into your life to help, partly because you need it, but also because your family and friends need it. The benefits will grow far beyond you alone. Trust me! When you let go and give others a chance to help, you are taking focus off yourself, not the other way around.

6. Realize that this is an opportunity! We can do one of two things in times like these, use it, or waste it. Let it grow you! Let it work for you. What you gain can actually be worth the trouble. Don't let it make you bitter. You do not want to be a cranky old man or woman when you grow up!

7. Learn something new. Occupy your mind with a new thing. I picked up crochet and made a baby blanket for a friend during my chemo treatment. Get online, learn to play solitaire, play the piano or guitar, take an online class, anything goes.

8. LISTEN! God is probably trying to get your attention. He loves you deeply, and wants to be closer to you. Don't reject His attention. You should be grateful for the opportunity He is giving you to examine yourself, and nurture your relationship with Him. If you don't have a relationship with Him, you need one!

I can help you know how that works on my web-log.... of lifeGoing through treatment for cancer varies from patient to patient. We all have different coping mechanisms and coping skills of one sort or another. The above strategies are all things I did during my ordeal with cancer. I disciplined myself in the above actions. The way that I retained control of my life was to control my thinking and how I was going to let this experience affect me. I was not going to bow down to it, but master it! My greatest resource was God the Father of Heaven and Earth, the God of the bible, in which all of the above principles can be found. The bible is not old fashioned, but relevant to everything in our human lives!Article Source:

Breast Cancer Symbol

The breast cancer symbol has become a pink ribbon that signifies the Susan G. Koman foundation's attempts to eradicate breast cancer. What is breast cancer and what are some symptoms, though? And what can you do to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer?


Unfortunately, breast cancer is known as a "silent killer," because often, you don't see symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly. The best way to stay on top of cancer symptoms is to do monthly self-exams to check for lumps, thickening, or changes, such as dimpling around the nipple, which may signify the onset of breast cancer.Getting to know your own breasts is crucial in the prevention of cancer. That's because you're going to know your own breast tissue far better than any doctor ever could, even though of course you can and should have a professional medical exam on a regular basis to check for just these changes. Regular mammograms at a certain age, such as over the age of 40, are also imperative if you want to prevent that monster.

Lifestyle changes that can help
As with every type of cancer, lifestyle changes play a major part in the prevention of it. So, if you smoke, stop. Limit the alcohol you drink to no more than one drink a day, maintain a healthy weight, and eat properly. Limit the amount of fat you eat, especially saturated fat, and include healthy fat sources in your diet, like omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids that come from flaxseed, fish oil, and olive oil. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and get enough exercise. Keep stress levels down, and get enough sleep every night.

All of this seems like a good "common sense" advice, of course, and rather generic especially when it comes to preventing breast cancer. However, because most cancers occur with a combination of the right genetic and lifestyle conditions, lifestyle conditions that prevent cancer in general can go a long way toward preventing breast cancer in particular.

A note about long-term hormone replacement therapy

There is some evidence (with an emphasis on "some") that long-term hormone replacement therapy can increase your risk. The jury is still out on this, and of course the hormone replacement therapy does have its benefits, too. Therefore, make sure you check with your health care practitioner if you're undertaking a course of hormone replacement therapy to manage use as much as possible so that your risks for getting breast cancer, too, are minimized.

Other possible factorsThere is some evidence that wearing restrictive clothing like brassieres for more than 12 hours a day may also increase your risk. Again, the studies on this are very preliminary, but the theory behind the risk of breast cancer and wearing restrictive clothing for a long period of time is that toxins are allowed to build up in breast tissue because of this restriction, thus contributing to the development of cancer. Therefore, as another possible preventative for breast cancer, limit the amount of time you wear restrictive clothing like a brassiere to no more than eight hours a day, and do a thorough breast massage after you remove the clothing to make sure the lymphatic fluid is allowed to circulate.Author has a good knowledge of the topic. He always carefully examine information before starting to write. Come visit his latest website about Cocealer makeup and how to Fragrances for women to get valuable and detailed information.Article Source:

Colon Cancer - Chemotherapy

If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer, you may be a candidate for chemotherapy. Colon cancer chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to kill colon cancer cells. There are several types of chemotherapy each of which have side effects.
Chemotherapy is a term used by doctors to refer to drugs that can kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy was formed from mustard gases during the 1st World-War. The term "chemotherapy" literally means "chemical treatment" and is one way to help the body kill off cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in different ways, including intravenously by injection, intravenously with a pump, or even in pill form. If chemotherapy is given prior to surgery, it may shrink the tumor so that the surgeon can completely remove it with fewer complications.Chemotherapy is sometimes recommended for stage 2 colon cancer, and usually recommended for stage 3 and stage 4. Chemotherapy for colon cancer can involve one or more of eight possible drugs off the chemotherapy drugs list. The most popular of these drugs is 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). It is usually used in combination with leucovorin (a vitamin), making 5-FU more effective. 5-FU is given intravenously; however, a pill form has been developed recently. For patients where the cancer has spread from the colon, a variety of other drugs may be given. Among the drugs given are Camptosar, Eloxatin, Avastin, Erbitux, and Vectibix.

Side Effects

Colon cancer chemotherapy is often associated with unpleasant side effects. Chemotherapy is used to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells; however, it also kills other rapidly dividing healthy cells in our bodies. For most patients, undergoing chemotherapy comes with significant side effects that can place quite a strain on their body. The side effects of chemotherapy can include:

    * Nausea and vomiting
    * Loss of appetite
    * Hair loss
    * Mouth sores
    * Rash on the hands and feet
    * Diarrhea

Other common side effects include lowered white and red blood cell count (which can lead to anemia and increased risk of infection), sun sensitivity, and darkening of the skin and nail beds. Effects on the bone marrow result in an increased risk of infection (due to low white blood cell counts),and bleeding or bruising from minor injuries (due to low blood platelet counts). The side effects that occur with chemotherapy depend upon the particular drugs given and the individual. Each chemotherapy drug has sideeffects,althoughnoteveryone will be effected the same way. In many cases, the uncomfortable effects canbe treated or prevented with medications. A change in your diet may also help relieve some of the effects of the drugs. Many of the effects of chemotherapy are manageable, especially with the help of your doctors. Although it may take some time, when chemotherapy is stopped, the effects related to the drugs will wear off.Cancer chemotherapy is a systemic therapy, meaning that the drugs enter the bloodstream and travel through the body. Doctors can suggest ways to help relieve symptoms that may occur during and after a patients colon cancer treatment. Talk to your doctor to determine the best treatment strategy for you.Get more information in colon cancer chemotherapy
orcolon cancer chemotherapy blogI have worked in the cancer related field for almost 20 years.Article Source:

Cancer Insurance: Is It Worth It?

Cancer insurance over the past several years has become rapidly more popular in the supplemental insurance world. Why is this? The main reason is that, health coverage has become more expensive, forcing individuals to elect higher deductible plans for lower premiums, thus leaving larger gaps in coverage. Another reason is because cancer treatments are getting much more expensive, and people cannot afford them. Cancer Insurance helps pay for treatment, chemotherapy, radiation, which are some of the main cancer costs.

Is it worth it?

Critics of cancer insurance say that it might be something someone pays for 10 years, and never use it. So the question individuals might have to ask themselves is, "Do I want to have it and possibly not use it?" Or, "Be caught without it?" According to the American Cancer Society, the average debt for a cancer survivor is $38,000. This is an extremely alarming statistic. This is more than the average yearly income of the average American. "A study found that 1 in 4 with cancer reported using all, or most of their savings to treat cancer, and about 1 in 4 with health insurance also reported using all or most of their savings for treatment." - be the judge
Take a look at the facts. Statistics show that most people aren't realistically able to afford cancer costs and treatments. Cancer insurance is designed to cover out of pocket expenses, and serve as an additional source of funds throughout an individuals cancer treatment. Most cancer policies are between $12 & $25 per month, depending on what level of coverage is chosen. Critics acclaim that cancer insurance is necessary, but based on factual data, Americans in general cannot afford to pay for cancer costs. You be the judge.Joshua S. Smith covers topics including health care, insurance, cancer insurance and various other supplemental insurance products.Article Source:
    Joshua S. Smith - EzineArticles Expert Author